Peer-reviewed journal papers:
- [J1] Patrick Wang, Pierre Tchounikine, Matthieu Quignard (2018). Chao: a framework for the development of orchestration technologies for technology-enhanced learning activities using tablets in classrooms. In International Journal of Technology-Enhanced Learning, Vol.10, Issue 1/2. [Abstract] [DOI] [Preprint]
Peer-reviewed conference papers:
- [C4] Grégoire Fessard, Patrick Wang, Ilaria Renna (2019). Are there differences in learning gains when programming with a tangible object or a simulation? In ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education 2019. [Abstract] [DOI] [Preprint]
- [C3] Grégoire Fessard, Patrick Wang, Ilaria Renna (2019). Objet tangible ou simulation numérique: Deux situations équivalentes pour l’apprentissage de la programmation? In Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain 2019. [Abstract] [Preprint]
- [C2] Patrick Wang, Pierre Tchounikine, Matthieu Quignard (2015). A model to support monitoring for classroom orchestration in a tablet-based CSCL activity. In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2015. [Abstract] [DOI] [Preprint]
- [C1] Patrick Wang, Pierre Tchounikine, Matthieu Quignard (2015). Orchestration Issues Raised by Transposing an Individual Paper-Pased Activity into a CSCL Tablet-Based Activity: an Example. In Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2015. [Abstract] [Preprint]
Posters and Workshops:
- [P4] Patrick Wang, Sébastien Jolivet (2022). Pour une transposition de la grammaire formelle d’un langage de programmation en un outil et objet d’apprentissage. In Didapro 9. [Abstract][Preprint] [Poster]
- [P3] Sébastien Jolivet, Patrick Wang, Eva Dechaux (2022). Formation didactique des enseignants d’informatique : quels concepts utiliser? In Didapro 9. [Abstract][Preprint] [Poster]
- [P2] Patrick Wang (2021). PseuToPy: Towards a Non-English Natural Programming Language. In ACM International Conference on Computing Education Research 2021. [Abstract] [DOI] [Preprint] [Poster]
- [W3] Yassine Gader, Charles Lefever, Patrick Wang (2021). PseuToPy: Vers un langage de programmation naturel. In Apprentissage la Pensée Informatique de la Maternelle à l’Université at EIAH 2021. [Abstract] [Preprint]
- [P1] Grégoire Fessard, Ilaria Renna, Patrick Wang (2019). Comparing the effects of using a tangible object or a simulation in learning elementary CS concepts: a case study with block-based programming. In ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2019. [Abstract] [DOI] [Preprint] [Poster]
- [W2] Patrick Wang, Rafael Angarita, Ilaria Renna (2018). Is this the era of misinformation yet? Combining social bots and fake news to deceive the masses. In WWW 2018 Companion Proceedings. [Abstract] [DOI] [Preprint]
- [W1] Patrick Wang, Ilaria Renna, Frédéric Amiel, Xun Zhang (2018). Learning with robots in CS and STEM education: a case study with ISEP-R0B0. In 4th Workshop on Robots for Learning at ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction 2018. [Abstract] [Preprint]